Public Speaking | Part 01 | what Role body energy play?
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Energy was there from the beginning. Bible says Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and God’s active force was moving about over the surface of the waters. Energy is much older than matter. Matter itself born from energy. Nobody was able to connect energy and Mass (matter) until Einstein introduce the equation E=mc2 . The equation means Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. In simple language it means mass can be converted to energy and most impotently energy also can convert it to mass. Now scientist believe that, before anything energy was there and it converted into all the mass we see in the whole universe. They also believe energy cannot be destroyed. So Energy is important.
So Energy is important.
Energy is important in public speaking. Many toastmasters and other old experts argue that body language matter the most part of a speech. Yes, if you are in a Speech contest the judges will consider your body language. In contrast, day to day life you need to add energy to your speech. We all remember at lease one lecture or speech that made us sleepy. Why we felt sleepy? The speaker is not generating enough energy to keep us awake. Chris Anderson in his book TED talks official ted guide to public speaking says "They may cite research published in 1967 by Professor Albert Mehrabian and claim that only 7 percent of the effectiveness of communication is down to language. While 38 percent depends on tone of voice. and 55 percent comes from body language. Unfortunately this is a complete misinterpretation of what Mehrbain found"
Yes as a speaker, I have felt that 7%-38%-55% rule is not correct (For more details). I personally believe that content matter and energy maters the most. If we boil down what is a speech? Speech is sending Ideas in my mind to the minds of my audience. I have seen people with physical abnormality gives perfect speeches. Which hints speech need something more than body language. Any sluggish personality would love to hear a humorous speech. Why? when we do humor you produce lot of energy which enhance the energy levels of the audience. Which makes the energy core of your speech, communication.
Lets take some popular examples which we take for granted. First Example, is someone I really admire and great Motivational speaker, He is non other than, Nick Vujicic . If we talk about body language, we can ask the question, where is his body. He literally doesn't have a body since he was born with deformity. But look at his energy. Energy flows like a stream of water. That refreshes my mind and your mind. Look at the video.
Although I am not talking about how you can use energy today, here you can see how he is using it. The content he talk vibrates the atoms inside our brain neurons and bring us to the same energy level of his.
I am not saying body language is not important. But focusing on energy, body language will come automatically.
Second motivational speaker example, that use energy, even she has problem with her body is Munibai Mazari. Lets look at her famous speech.
She is paralyzed and on a wheel chair. Yet this speech grabs our fullest focus and with her emotional phrases we come to a different mental level.
Next example that energy is more important comes with one of the oldest communication service. That is radio. Where is the body language in a radio talk show. Can you remember the beautiful love song programs we tune as millennials. We were not mesmerized by cool charismatic looks of the presenter. We were stick to the sensational romantic voice. That romantic voice had a different level of energy. We cant see the energy but we can feel it. We can feel the difference of different levels of energies.
Here I am not saying body language is not important. I am trying to show that energy has a bigger role. If you prepare a public speech focusing on the energy and understanding different energy levels in the talk, you can win.
So How can we prepare an energetic speech that grab the attention of the audience? Wait for my next article.
Your content is very informative and can learn new ideas. It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change. Public speaking is one of the most important and most dreaded forms of communication. Got an energy to sharp my public speaking ability. Thanks for the above blog. God bless you!
Your content is very informative and can learn new ideas. It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change. Public speaking is one of the most important and most dreaded forms of communication. Got an energy to sharp my public speaking ability. Thanks for the above blog. God bless you!
ReplyDeleteThanks @Mark Dayn Fernando for your beautiful comment